11 am

Owners present:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President), Alice Carey,

Treasurer, Sue Hannah, Secretary, Wilbur Dukes, Ron Ward

Board Members Absent -

Bob Robinson


October 1, 2011

Fall General Membership Meeting

Open Meeting:

Corrections to the 9.24.2011 Board Meeting minutes approved: Move the Settlement

Agreement entry from the Policy Compliance Committee to Unfinished Business. Clarify

From the President entries to read: An additional $128.00 will be needed to cover the cost

of replacing leaky pipes and installation of a spigot as required by the state for inflow

testing bringing the total cost of the original estimate from $1500.00 to $2400.00. Also the

entry regarding the pump house: inadvertently left out in the sentence beginning after

Lower: wattage bulbs will also help to decrease our electric bill.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:

Key Bank

Sound Bank









$ (1,253.16) Prepaid 2012 dues

$ (5,824.00) Road Repairs Collected Balance




For Operating Capital

Savings Reserve fund

Road Repairs reserve







2011 Spending to date

Oct-Dec Estimate

End of Yr Total










To date Operating balance

Dues to collect (active)





5 owners

17,028.14 $1,403.14


Dues to collect (possible)

Dues to collect (no way)


3,618.17 2+1 in selling process


7,900.00 2+1 foreclosure + 1 bankruptcy

New Road Repair Assessment

Payments received


Paid to Northern Asphalt





Phase 1


Balance to collect



October patch repair #10 n/c

Patch #5- 306 sq ft = $1,620.00 + tx




For Phase 2

Old Paving Assessment due



1 owner

Payment plans

No response at all

10 lots

20 lots

$ 1,955.00

$ 7,260.00



Probably will not pay





$ 2,178.00



$ 1,089.00





Alice stated the good news is we’ve been able to pay all our bills; however the bad news is were going to

need to cut back next year on our budget. This is due in part to not being able to collect from owners with

dues in arrears. If all the owners who have committed to paying their 2011 dues in fact pay their dues before

the end of the year we will close out 2011 with approximately $1,000 left in our operating capital. We cannot

continue to put the $350.00 allocated per month going into our Reserve account.

The 2012 Budget is designed for what we actually are going to get rather than what we hope to get”. The

only discretionary expenses we have are the landscaping services. We will need to limit those services from

twice (2) per month to once (1) per month.

On the Road Repair assessment: 20 lots: (their owners) have not responded at all. Letters were once again

sent out. If monies are not collected by January 2012, letters will be sent out notifying the owners that liens

will be placed upon their property.

Discussion regarding cost vs necessity as to when to have the water tank cleaned once again. Alice said that

she has budgeted for this. The board will make the determination at a later date if we will have this done in

March or in September 2012.

Treasurers report accepted.

From the President:

A thank you to Lois Seeley for the brownies and cookies today.

The pump house is 98% complete. LeRoy noted that the cost of insulation is quite high and that was an

unseen higher expense. The building size is 9 x 18. LeRoy gave thanks to Steve, Wilbur, Bob, Tom and

others who helped out on the construction. He said there is a cover yet to be built for the emergency

generator with the materials at hand. The structure should last for decades to come.

The neighborhood vandalism that was reported early in September has resulted in only one of the

clickers being recovered. LeRoy stated that he’s heard nothing from the Sheriff’s dept. There is nothing

more to report.

A boat, which had been reported stolen by Barb Wakefield off the beach, is still missing.

Dayna Hansen, the film maker who utilized our neighborhood on September 2nd for a film she was

making, said she will give TBBC a byline and try to arrange a special showing for Taylor Bay residents.

The Gate camera is now placed to secure a better vantage point. LeRoy once again reiterated that the

security system is in place to secure TBBC property only. It is up to the individual owner to secure their

own property. Security systems are relatively inexpensive and can be monitored from any computer no

matter where the owner is. It is important that all of us watch out for one another.

Old Business:

Road Repairs:

Thank you to John and Alice Carey for all their hard work in monitoring the road repairs.

Patch repairs # 10(n/c) and #5will be done first week of October.

Don Tjossem Emergency Preparedness Refresher:

October 6-7 at the Lutheran Church in Lakebay will be put on by PCNet. There will also be a class

for First Aid Certification. There will be notices posted at the mailboxes. Don will present a report

on this later.

Unfinished Business:

Beach Signs are finished and will be placed soon.

Ken’s report on beach erosion:

The erosion is only 23’ from the beach road. The cost to do it properly would cost the community

approximately $4,000. A team of volunteers will be putting in place a temporary fix using several

logs which have washed up onto the beach by securing them with rebar driven into the beach and


Becky Alexander noted that she and Don have heard what sounds like a large amount of water

coming from up the hill running down onto the beach road.

The sewer plant:

LeRoy noted a large amount of blackberry vines need to be taken care of. A group of volunteers will

need to be assembled to take care of this. This should only take about an hour.

New Business:

Jeanne Westons tree removal request:

There was extensive discussion when Jeanne asked for clarification regarding her request for the

removal of trees, located in front of property owned by Michael and Kaye Downing. The trees, which

appear to Jeanne to be located upon the Taylor Bay right of way, are obstructing the view from her

vacant lot property. Jeannes contention is that the tree removal will in fact restore the value of her

view property. Jeanne wants the board to commit to remove the trees, if through a survey done at

her expense, proves they are indeed on TBBC right of way.

The issue is further complicated by an email, read to the membership which had been received by

the board from the Downings who voiced opposition to the taking down of the trees, citing that the

trees posed no hazards to safety or security.

Another complication is policy 06-01, (which addresses the issue of trees, shrubbery etc. on TBBC

property), and the possible need to further clarify the verbiage. A member stated that this is new

territory for the board and the board is stuck in the middle of this controversy.

Members of the board voiced to the membership the need to move cautiously on this issue. The

board intends to weigh all the possible options so as to avoid setting precedence and any potential

future legal action.

It was posed by several members in attendance to vote on the issue at this meeting. A member

asked that if a quorum voted today, would this in fact be the process taken each time in the future.

The issue was tabled until the November board meeting.

The 2012 Budget was accepted and approved.

Date of next meeting:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Location to be announced.

Meeting adjourned.